Kano lost the first tournament and was thought to be killed. But he is alive in the outworld away from the capture of Sonya. Kano convinces Kahn to spare his soul.
Special Moves:
Cannonball: Hold Low Kick for 3 seconds then release.
Knife Throw: Down to Back, High Punch
Knife Uppercut: Down to Forward, High Punch
Choke Hold: Down to Forward, Low Punch
Leg Drop: Block in air
Fatality 1: Hold Low Punch, Foward, Down, Down, Forward, Release low Punch (close)
Fatality 2: Low Punch, Block, Block, High Kick (slightly more that sweep distance)
Animality: Hold High Punch, Block, Block, Block, Release High Punch (close)
Babality: Forward, Forward, Down, Down, Low Kick
Friendship: Low Kick, Run, Run, High Kick
Pit Fatality: Up, Up, Back, Low Kick